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Stop Hurting and Start Healing

Holistic Crisis Coaching Treats Your

Heart, Mind, Body, Soul, Story and the ability to live in Community. 

Healed Heart


Learn how to grieve in a safe space

Renewed Mind

Learn how to chase away those unwanted thoughts from the enemy and ‘Take captive every thought.”

Kingdom Revelation

Learn how to sit at the feet of Jesus and ask for assistance on this dark and unfamiliar journey


 Learn to ‘care well’ for other women on the same journey as they ‘care well’ for you!


 Learn how to turn your story from tragedy to triumph and victim to victory!



Learn how to love yourself well for the journey and forward.

Helping You Find Success With Crisis Coaching

If you don’t change then everything remains the same.

That was my truth for way too long. I knew I needed something, but I didn’t even know what I needed or where to find help. I wanted change but didn’t know how to create it.

Working through Radiant Warriors programs will allow you to see, feel and know your next steps. No more doubt. No more confusion. No more isolation.

Your healing journey begins NOW!


What Is Life Coaching?

Having a mentor, guide and cheerleader- all in one.

How do we know where to go if no one tells us?

How do we know how to get there if no one shows us? 

How do we have the courage to change if no one walks with us?

This is Life Coaching. 

Meetings turn into actions steps.

Your feelings are important, but your actions are more important. Let’s stop talking about it and instead do something about it.

A safe place to practice.

Having hard discussions and practicing new vocabulary takes time and practice. 1:1 coaching and small groups are just the place to parrot and practice…. so you’re ready for the hard work in your marriage. 

Sweetest Sisterhood!

Healing happens best in community! We need each other. We need each other’s hope, courage, encouragement and tough love. Don’t be afraid to bear your burdens with a safe group of women: they will be your sisters for life, and you’ll never regret taking the journey with them! 

Photo: Meet Kim, Heather, Myself and Nermine! All Radiant Warriors who fought bravely to the other side of betrayal. Two are still married and one is remarried. 


How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1 and learn about the options


Choose a Coaching Plan that works for You

Reach Your Goals and Heal Your Heart



Call: 813-789-8101